NNC Lamb Quilt Block 6- 4x4, 5x7, 6x6 and 8x8 hoops

Your Price: $5.00
In Stock.
Part Number:225
This is the 6th block of a set of 12 applique quilt blocks for the 4x4, 5x7, 6x6 and 8x8 hoops in all popular formats.

These will make great quilts for lamb lovers, or you can use them to put on t-shirts, towels, blankets etc.

Instructions are included

You are purchasing a digital embroidery file, NOT a finished product. You will need an embroidery machine and a way to get the design from you computer to your machine.

Due to the digital nature of this product no refunds are available.

You can sell a finished product you make with this file but please DO NOT share or re-sell this design.
Copyright belongs to NonnieNoo Creations

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